
A LED that can match a 60W incandescent?

With incandescent bulbs disappearing entirely from shops from September next year, the race is on to Find Suitable replacements. Energy-saving bulbs - or Compact fluorescents (CFLs) - already do that job, but remain unpopular in some quarters and are not the most Efficient alternative technology. The real hopes lie with light-emitting diodes (LEDs), according to industry, environmentalists, and politicians. With the global lighting market predicted to be worth € 110bn by 2020, companies such as Phillips, GE, and Osram are fighting to be first with the breakthrough in the LED field.

More content you can check http://www.bgocled.com/ 

3 条评论:

  1. color changing led lights
    are the perfect choice for a variety of cases, and taking the time to watch the video media matte LED really shows its capabilities.

  2. color changing led lights
    are the perfect choice for a variety of cases, and taking the time to watch the video media matte LED really shows its capabilities.

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